Good Songs for Little Kids on YouTube! By Aaron
If you are looking for another way for your kindergarten or early elementary school child to get some English listening practice, there's a ton of good content on YouTube. My favorite songs for little kids are the Super Simple English songs. If you want to listen just go to and do a search for "super simple english songs." The songs are colorful and fun and usually teach one concept at a time so it's easy to learn.
Here are some good songs for your child to listen to:
Ten in the Bed
One Potato, Two Potatoes
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster
These are great because they teach one concept in a fun way and your child can learn something useful. When I use these songs in my classes the kids
really pay attention. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you child likes them!
和訳:YOU TUBEにいい曲があります!
いるのであれば、YOU TUBEにとても良い教材があります。
Super Simple English songs‘を検索してみてください。私の好きな幼児用の歌が
Ten in the Bed(ベットに10匹います)
One Potato, Two Potatoes(ワンポテト、ツーポテト)
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster(おはよう ルースターさん)